Willy Lam has been wrong about China for decades. His phrase, "the tyrannical regime of Chairman Mao Zedong" is as wrong as wrong can be.
By the stats alone, no human being did more good for more people (including emancipating 400,000,000 peasants and 400,000,000 women) and less harm to fewer people than Mao.
Today, more people visit his birthplace than visit the shrines of all the world's other heroes.
Willy Lam has been wrong about China for decades. His phrase, "the tyrannical regime of Chairman Mao Zedong" is as wrong as wrong can be.
By the stats alone, no human being did more good for more people (including emancipating 400,000,000 peasants and 400,000,000 women) and less harm to fewer people than Mao.
Today, more people visit his birthplace than visit the shrines of all the world's other heroes.